Dispatching Actions

Most sagas use the take effect to wait on Redux actions. Because expectSaga runs your saga as normal, it will block on yielded take effects. To ensure your saga can keep running, expectSaga also has a dispatch method. Before running your saga, dispatch any actions you expect your saga to take in the order it takes them. Internally, expectSaga will queue the actions and dispatch them on your behalf as needed.

import { put } from 'redux-saga/effects';
import { expectSaga } from 'redux-saga-test-plan';

function* mainSaga(x, y) {
  yield take('HELLO');
  yield put({ type: 'ADD', payload: x + y });
  yield take('WORLD');
  yield put({ type: 'DONE' });

it('handles dispatching actions', () => {
  return expectSaga(mainSaga, 40, 2)
    // note that assertions don't have to be in order
    .put({ type: 'DONE' })
    .put({ type: 'ADD', payload: 42 })

    // dispatch any actions your saga will `take`
    // dispatched actions MUST be in order
    .dispatch({ type: 'HELLO' })
    .dispatch({ type: 'WORLD' })


Dispatch actions while saga is running

You can also dispatch actions while a saga is running. This is useful for delaying actions so Redux Saga Test Plan doesn't dispatch them too quickly.

function* mainSaga() {
  // Received almost immediately
  yield take('FOO');

  // Received after 250ms
  yield take('BAR');
  yield put({ type: 'DONE' });

const delay = time => new Promise((resolve) => {
  setTimeout(resolve, time);

it('can dispatch actions while running', () => {
  const saga = expectSaga(mainSaga);

  saga.put({ type: 'DONE' });

  saga.dispatch({ type: 'FOO' });

  const promise = saga.run({ timeout: false });

  return delay(250).then(() => {
    saga.dispatch({ type: 'BAR' });
    return promise;

Delaying dispatching actions with .delay()

While being able to dispatch actions while the saga is running has use cases besides only delaying, if you just want to delay dispatched actions, you can use the delay method. It takes a delay time as its only argument.

function* mainSaga() {
  // Received almost immediately
  yield take('FOO');

  // Received after 250ms
  yield take('BAR');
  yield put({ type: 'DONE' });

it('can delay actions', () => {
  return expectSaga(mainSaga)
    .put({ type: 'DONE' })
    .dispatch({ type: 'FOO' })
    .dispatch({ type: 'BAR' })
    .run({ timeout: false });

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